Pinks and Pastels...

vivid, colorful, vibrant, fresh, soft, relaxing, beautiful... welcome to my MIND!!!! (believe me people, it's the kid in me.. hehe)

Monday, May 02, 2005

The Sites and Sounds of the Banana Republic

it was refreshing to hang out with my Dad again.. the reason why i haven't been posting is that i went to see him last weekend.. he came here for business and stayed a bit longer than required to bond with me...

we did a lot of talking and eating and talking and more talking.. papa is up to a lot of things these days.. he's been working really hard not only for us but for our city as well.. right now he's working on a project with a certain Captain Dorano that aims to promote the Gaboc Channel (a narrow channel located in the Philippine Deep-the world's second deepest trench next to Marianas) as a site for adventure/extreme water sports and reality TV shows.. the channel doesn't just offer incredible currents and waves but a breathtaking view of the Pacific Ocean and a an incredible mountain trail as well.. i will be posting pictures of the site and the map of it when i have it scanned na..

well i do hope papa and Capt Doarano will succeed in getting investors to develop the site...

and oh, i miss Surigao by the way.. papa told me that my brother bobet can now drive and that my other brother earvin has a good chance of making it to my high school.. i have no doubt.. he'll do great.. and for some reason i miss my HS classmates as well.. it's different when your haning out with the people who speak the smae language that you do. we may have different interests but our mode of expression is the same.. and it's different that way...

and by the way, i bought a book recently.. it's called Ang Alamat ng Gubat by Bob Ong.. and boy did out tummy's hurt! ^__^ this guy really knows how to fuse humor and political issues in a country where everyone claims they're king and where people kill other people just because they're different.. well, read and you might just find yourself laughing and learning..

so that's it.. i have to study for my jap exam tomorrow.. ja ne!!


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