Pinks and Pastels...

vivid, colorful, vibrant, fresh, soft, relaxing, beautiful... welcome to my MIND!!!! (believe me people, it's the kid in me.. hehe)

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


i loathe Gloria for lying and for making a fool out of the whole Filipino nation.. i hate her for trying to make up for it by giving false promises and empty statements. i hate her for trying to get sympathy from the people she swore to serve but betrayed right from the start.. i despise her further for being an "economist" and for graduating with honors and yet failing to recognize the "real factors" behind the country's demand and supply both in the aggregate and household level.. and i could never forgive her for asking for forgiveness without any air of sincerity and for using the Filipino people in her "evil" schemes and political aspirations and for money...

i am currently writing a letter for animax... it is a relief that they have granted our partnership request and right now we're just doing some "formalities" regarding the "deal"... even if it means hardowrk, i love working for the magazine.. it gives me a sense of responsibility and accomplishment and plus, it is something about the one thing i love the most, ANIME!

i feel sorry for couples who are in the entertainment business.. i mean what's up? they do have a responsiblity to the public but that doesn't mean we can just pry into their lives and tell them how exactly they should live and who they should live with. after all, even before they extract our money there is already equivalent trade since we are provided "services".. so i just think that outside and away from the camera we should just let them be..

still writing the letter.. damn it! i can't think when im too tired. law and finance are both super exhausting.. it involves a lot of brain work.. and i had classes on both subjects today. maybe i'm not just built to accommodate this much thinking but oh well, im here...

in this country, it is not actually a battle between the rich ang the poor.. in ther first place the poor never fought/fights back.. they did once (read: EDSA 3) but then they were branded barbarians, animals and violent people by the cruel middle class (who in truth just wants to alleviate their position in the society but to no avail) and well those in the upper.. going back, the battle is between the rich, the other rich and in some degree the middle class.. and the poor are the victims, tossed around like a basketball.. dumped wherever convenient.. so what of democracy?

almost 1am.. still no inspiration.. gawd! im soo dead.. i gotta get back to working..

ja ne!


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